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Aflac - John & Angela Karr


Insurance - SupplementalEmployee BenefitsInsurance

About Us

Aflac complements your company's existing benefits package.
You can provide Aflac at no direct cost to your company.
Aflac policies have been designed for ease of administration.
Aflac helps hire and retain employees.

Rep/Contact Info

Angela Karr
John Karr
Email Only

Presenting Sponsor

Mailing Address
PO Box 158
Bixby, OK 74008

Physical Address
12 West Dawes Avenue 
Bixby, OK 74008

Phone: 918-366-9445
Fax: 918-366-9443

Hours of Operation
Mon-Thur: 8:00AM – 4:00PM
Friday: 8:00AM – 12:00PM

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